Commercial beekeepers are currently inspecting their colonies after winter in preparation to transport 90% of the nation's managed honey bees to California for almond pollination. Bee Culture Magazine reports they are discovering alarming colony losses so severe and broad, they may impact food
security through inadequate pollination services.
Survey results are still being collected, but average recent losses are well over 50%. Combined with losses during other times of
year, this additional loss puts many beekeepers at a loss rate of 70%-100% over the past 12 months.
Recent inspections by field scientists show deceased colonies often left ample honey stores and small patches of brood, with most or all the adult bees missing. Another symptom has been the rapid dwindling of surviving colonies, often within ten days of passing health inspections.
Surveys and sampling have been underway since January. The cause has not yet been identified, however the usual causes of loss, including winter management and high levels of parasitic mites, are not currently indicated causes of these losses.
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